IAToDNG - Now with Rust!

A new way to convert Sinar IA RAW files from the Emotion digital back series!
The utility is CLI only for now, unlike the original. The DNGs this new IAtoDNG utility are dark and flat frame corrected in float 64 for extra accuracy - if the .BR and .WR files are available! The thumbnail is embedded and works in MacOS Finder at least for previewing. The files outputed are named like so :
<output_folder>/<shutter count>.dng
I re-wrote IAtoDNG from Python to rust, trying out a new CoPilot+ChatGPT4 workflow. It worked super well, with Copilot making generally very useful suggestions and ChatGPT4 giving me lot of help with examples and the white balance finding algorithm.
It was very difficult to find a rust DNG writing utility, there where plenty of ones that read DNGs but only a few that wrote them. The only one that i had success with was rawler, from rawloader: https://crates.io/crates/rawloader. After spending some time reading through its code, I managed to finally write a DNG that passed the dng_validate utility from Adobe's DNG SDK.